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Republic Day 2025

November 18,2019

Republic Day address by the chief guest, Director, Medical Education, JSS Mahavidyapeetha, Sri R Mahesh Republic Day address by the chief guest, Director, Medical Education, JSS Mahavidyapeetha, Sri R Mahesh

Ananya B.S - 4th year BPT - "Interrelationship of take-off variables and performance of long jumpers"- from RGUHS

Andriana D'souza - 4th year BPT "Response to six minute walk test in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease"- from RGUHS

JSS Physiotherapy Awarded " GOLD" from QS IGAUGE

Best Teacher – Senior Faculty: Vijay Samuel Raj V

Best Teacher – Junior Faculty: Syed Asif Basha

Best teacher – Basic Science

Best Teacher - Clinical Subjects

Best Supportive staff

Mansoor Rahman "Effect of traditional Indian folk games to improve physical activity in individuals with cerebral palsy – An Observational study" from ICMR Adaptation of Indian folk games to increase physical activity and academic performance in school going children with cerebral palsy aged 5-18 years". from NCERT

Vijay Samuel Raj "Effect of Exercise on Function and Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing Dialysis – A Randomized Control Study" From ICMR

Sandeep PH "Impact of the multimedia awareness programs on morbidity of potential spinal cord injury survivors" From ICMR

Renuka Devi, Professor earned her PhD for her dissertation on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Syeda Rakshan

January 06,2020

Syeda Rakshan tops the BPT batch of 2015-19 with 74.2% aggregate.

Nischita Rao, (CBR elective)

December 16,2019

Nischita Rao, (CBR elective) tops the MPT batch 2017-19 with 65.2%


December 11,2019

The Sports Week Kicked Off To a Colourful Start

Sumukh of second year BPT is an accomplished cricketeer. He is part of the university (RGUHS) cricket team. He has excelled in the south zone inter university tournament.

Dr Kavitha Raja was awarded " Best Teacher" under Physiotherapy faculty by RGUHS on the occasion of Teachers Day 2019
Click to View/download Citation

JSS CPT declared overall champions in athletics at interinstitutional championships in Suttur 2019 Individual Champions

Immanuvel and Don Jolly of third year BPT bagged a special prize for outstanding poster at Flame 2019, Puducherry.

Nature Club

November 18,2019

Mysore Zoo is thankful for the contribution made towards the noble cause and involvement in

Pedagogy Workshop

November 18,2019

Pedagogy workshop September 23-24/2019

The JSS Colleges of Physiotherapy, Nursing and Speech & Hearing, and the School of Nursing organized the 70th Republic Day celebrations at the combined college premises on January 26th 2019. Retired Brigadier Vinod Kumar Adapa from the Armed Forces graced the occasion and all the heads of the institutions presided over the function. The Chief Guest unfurled the national flag which was followed by singing of national anthem. For the first time, all the students of the institutions marched past the dignitaries. Tableau depicted the traditional costumes of 28 states of the country followed the marching students. Patriotic songs were sung by some of the students. The students of JSS College of Physiotherapy performed the pyramid show which was well appreciated by the audience. Mr. Vinod Kumar, the Chief Guest appreciated the performance of all the participants and congratulated each of them. He recollected his experiences while he was serving the Indian Army, stating that the entire regiment where he worked was like his family as they were all together all the 24 hours, protecting the country. He lauded the role played by the soldiers in protecting the country. He advised the students and the staff to do perform their duties sincerely by putting 100% to contribute to the society and the country. Mrs. Sharvani of Physiotherapy college compeered the programme while Mr. Harshan of the Speech & Hearing institute rendered the vote of thanks.

The JSS Health Institutions- College of Physiotherapy, Speech & Hearing Institute, College and School of Nursing, jointly organized the Independence Day celebrations on 15th August 2019 in their institution premises. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Col (Retd) A M Ramachandra, from the Indian Army. Sri R Mahesh, Director, Medical Health Division, JSS Mahavidyapeetha, presided over the programme. All the Heads of the Institutions were present, and there was full attendance of all the staff and students of the four institutions. The Guests unfurled the National Flag at 8: 30 am, which was followed by singing of National Anthem. The students of all the four institutions marched past the Guests, with the leaders of each troop saluting the guests. This was followed by singing of Vande Mataram by student representatives of the institutions. Mr Mahadevaswamy from JSS College of Nursing was the anchor of the formal function. The Chief Guest, Col Ramachandra wished the audience on the occasion of the Independence Day and advised the students to be good citizens of the country by following the right path of honesty, justice, patience, religiousness, truthfulness and good culture, and put an end to corruption, jealousy, unrighteousness prevalent in the society; this can help realising the dream of Mahatma Gandhiji. Mr Mahesh R also wished everyone on the occasion and, in his presidential address, recollected the history of how we got our Independence after a long struggle with the British. All the Principals of the four colleges were present on the dais. Mr Mahendra, the Physical Education director, awarded the rolling trophy for best marching troop to the JSS School of Nursing, and the vote of thanks was proposed by Miss Pallabi of JSS College of Physiotherapy.

Teachers day celebrations 2019